

Inthewind announces a new grand - GC Astral Charm LIttle Abner, a black & white Persian male, granded on 11/23/2013.

Inthewind announces a new grand - GC Inthewind Jinxy, a blue & white Persian female, granded on 10/12/2013.

The 2012-2013 show season is over, and we are proud to announce a new National Winner!! GC, GP, BW, NW Budmar's Beyonce' of Inthewind, DM, a dilute calico Persian female, is the CFA's 17th Best Cat in Premiership Nationally!!!!

The 2012-2013 show season is over, and we are proud to announce a new Regional Winner!! GC, RW Briarson Diamond of Inthewind, a black & white Sphynx female, is the Midwest Regiona's 11th Best Cat, and CFA's 3rd Best of Breed Nationally!!!!

The 2012-2013 show season is over, and we are proud to announce a new Regional Winner!! GC, RW Inthewind Red Ryder of Divinity, a red Persian male, is the Midwest Regiona's 19th Best Cat!!!!

Inthewind announces a new grand - GC Inthewind Red Ryder, a red Persian male, granded on 9/22/2012.

Inthewind announces a new grand - GC Briarson Diamond of Inthewind, a black & white Sphynx female, granded on 5/19/2012.



Candirand The Sweetest Thing


Candirand The Sweetest Thing

Cream & White Male

Co owned with Margaret and Eric Charlan of UK

"Buddy" will be going to the UK when his quarantine time is up. Meanwhile he will entertain some of the girls while he is here.




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